BEC商务英语 / 第十四章 Unit 14 Signing a Contract / 第2节 Dialogue 2 Negotiating a contract

(David Simpson, whose marketing campaign is now well under way, has secured a large order from a Chinese importer for his firm’s electric grills. He is now negotiating the terms of a contract with Gaston Zhang from the importing firm.)

场景:公司行政办公室—沙发谈话   人物:Mr. SimpsonMr. Zhang


Mr. Simpson: Well, Mr. Zhang, it seems to me we’ve come quite a long way, but there’re still a few points left over to clear up.

Mr. Zhang: Yes, I’d like to go over the terms of payment. So, would you be agreeable to payment by irrevocable letter of credit on your London Bank?

Mr. Simpson: Good, at sixty days, I’d suggest. What about deliveries?

Mr. Zhang: I’ve been looking into the question of having the goods sent by air. It’s quicker, and I think the goods are less liable to damage than by sea and rail, and there’s less risk of hold-ups by strikes.

Mr. Simpson: I understand what you are saying, but there’s one problem, and that’s freight costs are higher by air, and if we operate on CIF terms as we’ve already provisionally agreed, we might have to increase our expenses.

Mr. Zhang: En, It’s all the same really, I believe it would be worthwhile, and we would be prepared to meet you half-way with the extra costs incurred.

Mr. Simpson: I’m certainly with you in principle, but I’ll have to take the matter up when I get back to Wolverhampton.

Mr. Zhang: Very nicely. The next point is about the guarantee. We would like to be able to offer the customer a guarantee for at least six months.

Mr. Simpson: No trouble, No trouble at all about that. We offer a standard guarantee of twelve months in all the countries that we’re selling in, and there’s no reason that I can think of why China should be an exception.

Mr. Zhang: So a similar guarantee would be written into our contract also?

Mr. Simpson: Certainly. Then, one of the things we haven’t decided properly yet is who’s going to be responsible for publicity.

Mr. Zhang: Well, we’ve prepared to look after that side entirely. The only thing I would propose ,well, is that you should supply us with as much informational material as possible, for example, leaflets, instructions for use, etc. We’ll have them translated into Chinese and also see that posters are made available for window displays and that advertisements are placed in the trade journals and dailies.

Mr. Simpson: That’s fine, en... perhaps we could consult about the initial promotional campaign -- as you know we’ve been marketing our products in quite a few countries lately, and we feel we’ve picked up quite a few gimmicks we like to share with you.

Mr. Zhang: Of course, we’d be only too pleased to get new ideas and cooperation from your side.

Mr. Simpson: Let me run through my check-list quick. OK? En... we got price agreed, initial order, five thousand; later orders according to sales, terms of payment settled. Packing may depend upon the transportation.

Mr. Zhang: OK, I hope you won’t mind my mentioning that it’s past five o’clock, and we’ve still got tomorrow to talk things over. So, don’t forget, I’ll pick you up at about seven in your hotel .

Mr. Simpson: OK, that’s sounds Good.

Mr. Zhang: See you!

Mr. Simpson: Thanks. 
