(Paul and Linda are the staff working in Marketing Department in Bavarian Motor Works Corporation. They’re discussing the important issue of endorsements and disclosure as related to word-of-mouth marketing after taking part in the company’s training course.)
场景:宝马汽车专营店 人物: Linda、Paul
Paul: Today’s lecture is amazing! Don’t you think so, Linda?
Linda: Yes, it definitely is. And my favourite part is marketing mix of our company.
Paul: The 4Ps, right? Product, Price, Place and Promotion.
Linda: Yes, I think it’s important for BMW to pay enough attention to each individual element of marketing mix in an appropriate manner.
Paul: That’s exactly what I think.
Linda: An effective marketing strategy cannot make up for shortcomings related with poor quality or inadequate pricing strategy and vice versa. So we have to pay attention to the marketing mix. Nowadays, the trend is towards total customer satisfaction rather than focusing on the brand marketing.
Paul: I still think there’s a need for brand marketing but if we’re going to modernize our approach, we’ll have to broaden our horizons.
Linda: Data from the big research shows that Word-of-Mouth is the most influential on prospective buyers’ purchase decision.
Paul: That’s not surprising. We have moved from an era where the manufacturers were in control of the messages to an era of media of the masses. Now the line between who is the media and who is the audience is completely blurring.
Linda: You’re right here. The rise of the social media really has brought tremendous changes in recent years and many companies have taken it as a new type of marketing strategy.
Paul: Actually it costs much more to get your ads out there through the traditional channels.
Linda: Statistics also show that people don’t trust traditional advertising any more. What they do believe is recommendations from other consumers.
Paul: That explains why the traditional advertising recall has been dropping. This coincides with the whole marketing transformation.
Linda: There’s a survey among many marketers and they ranked the word-of-mouth the first.
Paul: You mean in terms of marketing solutions, using word-of-mouth really has become one of the major tools ?
Linda: Yes, it is. It’s high time the BMW take engagement and management of word-of-mouth solution.
Paul:Right. We have to take actions.
Linda: So far as I know, our marketing department has taken some actions on it already. For example, they have invited some top directors to feature new cars in some movies, and as a result, people who were not interested in cars at all and didn’t care about the BMW brand before do show great interest in it.
Paul: That’s brilliant! And I think that our company should organize events and experiences in the target markets to showcase effective design and advanced features of BMW products. Such events and experiences can be integrated with celebrity endorsement marketing strategy technique.
Linda:You’re right here. Our company can engage in this endorsement by attracting celebrities respected by the majority of BMW customers.
Paul: Of course. Effective engagement in celebrity endorsement can help BMW increase its credibility, enhancing brand recall and the appeal of the brand to the masses.
Linda: I think we can bring up these issues to our strategy proposal, right?
Paul: Certainly. Social Media is evolving and storytelling is going to be the next great tool to engage customers. I think our company should definitely keep pace with the development.